
2539-white-shelled-ammonite-1sml The magazine contains a regular fossil report, provided by an expert in the field, the latest news from the fossil is included every quarter, don't forget we'll always welcome your contributions as well!
Fossils originate from the remains of animals, plants, matter and creatures alive many thousands and millions of years ago.
The organic matter or tissue slowly becomes replaced by mineral stone and crystal.

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dinosaur extinction event

We always hear of the dinosaur extinction event but did you know that the ‘event’ nearly wiped out everything else including mammals? Some 93% suggested by University of Bath researchers. The subsequent lack of food and fauna caused the continued demise of the larger creatures whilst smaller mammals were able to adapt more easily.

life and death of the dinosaurs from issue 60

Life and Death of the Dinosaurs

By Barry Taylor

I am fascinated by Dinosaurs that lived for over180 million years, there are many interesting interwoven facts that relate to this period in Earths history, the following facts are some of the things that excite me about these magnificent creatures. One intriguing fact surrounds the reason why some Dinosaurs grew to such gigantic sizes, it is hard to imagine such massive creatures actually moving, and creatures such as the well known Sauropods like the Apatosaurus for example.

Read more: life and death of the dinosaurs from issue 60


An unfortunate Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus (dwarf duck-billed dino) from 60 000+ years ago in Transylvania, is the first creature to be diagnosed with a modern benign tumour from fossil remains, the international group of researchers suspect that this family of dinosaurs (hadrosaurs) were more susceptible to these conditions.

big head

Speaking of early humans, a 30ish year old woman who lived on the Korean peninsula some time during the Silla reign 50’s BC to 930’sAD had her remains examined and although her DNA is present in some of the Asian population today she had a ‘big head’ or more precisely a long head a condition called Dolichocephalic determined by the ratio of head width to length(if you were wondering you’re brachycephalic or head width is at least 80% of it’s length) there’s no explanation for a long head, the shaping of skulls did happened in ancient civilisations but the usual physical evidence of this isn’t present…

From issue 70, purchase print copy below:

fossils called thunderbolts

Fossils called thunderbolts

By Barry Taylor

Many years ago people often discovered strange cylindrical objects that tapering at one end,these were found in fields that had recently been ploughed. People at the time thought that these must be thunderbolts that had been hurled down by lightening during fierce storms. They were often accompanied by what were considered as toe nails from the devil cast aside during contests with god. We now know that these were fossils of Belemnites and Gryphea, we will concentrate on the former here that were in fact part of a fascinating squid like creature that is now extinct.

Read more: fossils called thunderbolts

how did pterosaurs fly?

Sounds like a bumblebee story and a lack of acceptance that we still have lots to learn, being so big with wing spans up to 11m how did pterosaurs fly?
Basically because their bones were hollow, few examples remain for study also they’ve been compared to birds so estimates of weight hugely vary. We do know they had a highly developed respiratory system with lungs and air sacks. Also they had elasticated skin opposed to feathers, with the ability to adjust the angle of the front of their wings they were well equipped, Southampton University students are currently developing 3d models in order to fill in the missing gaps…

From issue 70, to purchase print copy below:

Fossil hunting from issue 60

fossil hunting at ketton quarry

What a surprise this years birthday present was not 'just' membership to the Stamford Geological Society but also to attend a joint visit with the Open University Geological Society to the Ketton Quarry near Stamford.

The quarry is famed for its superior strength cement, recent notable customers being the London Olympics & offshore wind farms. Armed with hi-vis jackets, hard hats, chisels and hammers the eagerly awaited day arrived, luckily the weather although overcast and cloudy didn't threaten any rain.

Read more: Fossil hunting from issue 60


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